Tag: wisdom

  • the question of justice

    Every day we are forced to ask the question, ‘is there any justice in this world,’ and as humans, we tend to think there isn’t any. We question whether God really sees what is going on, and how can He let His people suffer. We believe that we would do a better job at meting…

  • Closer To Home…

    I have hit “that age”…finally!! These last 6 months have been a real roller-coaster for me. Being in school full time, leading women’s ministry, and now the the big m-pause! Wow, triple whammy! It helps me explain some of the aggressive behaviour I have been exhibiting in the last little bit. Hahaa! In sociology class…

  • Her Name is Wisdom

    Wisdom is underrated. We need it to navigate life’s path, and the choices we make can be enhanced when made with even an ounce of it. This last week, I have not been using my wisdom very well. I have let emotion get in the way of choices that I have made, and now need…

  • Wisdom…

    Reading through Proverbs is something I enjoy doing. King Solomon was the wisest man that lived, and his observations in life still work for today. When he became king, he was overwhelmed with the thought of the responsibilities that came with that status, and asked God for wisdom. Because he asked for wisdom instead of…

  • Mom & Pop

    There was a quote that stayed with me recently. “The ceiling of one generation is the floor the next one can build on.” It might be slightly paraphrased…but you get the idea. So many of us look at the generation we are not in and think…”what do they know?” Either you are in a group…