Tag: feature

  • Search for Authenticity

    Being one’s “authentic self” sounds like such a good thing. It gets talked about a lot. People say they want to be… “Real”. “Brave”. “Aware”. “Unique”. And it feels impossible… What does it look like? For me being authentic is messy. It’s a juxtaposition of anger and vulnerability, honesty and lies, deep pain and survival.…

  • Mirror, Mirror…

    A few weeks ago I was at a large ladies event. The meetings were powerful, and the worship was unbelievable. I was ecstatic! What a heady experience! Then it was time to go to the ladies room. Of course, there are scores of women walking in and out that place. I was walking on air,…

  • The Gift in You

    “You are so gifted in______!” We can fill in the blank ourselves, because most of us know what we are good at. In each and every one of us is something unique, something that makes us who we are. Some are good with their hands, some are good with their words, and some are gifted…

  • The Fickle Idol

    What is your idol? For some of you that might be a weird question…”I don’t have any idols in my life, I worship God!”…and that is often the defensive answer we give when confronted with this question. We all have something we worship. And often this object or worship changes…depending on our moods, trends, and…

  • Projection

    It’s become crazy, this world of ours. People in our society are threatening death to a big game hunter, and in the same day will engage in watching people getting strangled and tortured on the internet…just because violence against women and children in porn is “acceptable”, and it can be done in private. And now…

  • “Where’s the fruit?”

    “Where’s the beef?” I’m sure many of you remember that famous line from a Wendy’s commercial in the early 80s. It’s part of our societal jargon now. But…”where’s the fruit?” is my new slogan. The other week I was sitting in an empty church. It was 10 at night, and hubby was wrapping up prep…

  • Friends for a Reason

    Relationships! Friendships!! Finding someone somewhere who “gets you”…can become a journey fraught with pain, insecurity, giddiness, and it can be an all-consuming quest. I have had, and continue to have some really meaningful friendships in my life. There are some that go back 30 years or more, and some that are fairly new. Some have…

  • Silence is Golden

    This might surprise some of you, but I have a strong desire to run away and join a monastary. Sometimes that desire is because I am overwhelmed with life, and just want to run away to something simpler…but most of the time it’s because I crave being in a place where I can just focus…

  • A Deep Hunger!

    When I was pregnant with my last boy I CRAVED Big Macs! Every few days I was driving through the drive through, determined that it would be my last one…but I couldn’t help it. I saw those Golden Arches and the steering wheel turned on its own. I HAD TO have one…or I would DIE!!!…