Tag: example

  • A Better Place (Part 2)

    Did you think about it? Is it possible to make the world a better place? Is it worth trying to live a life that is fully invested in the happiness of others? What’s in it for us? And should it matter? It should matter. It affects all of us, and all of our surroundings. It…

  • Actions Speak Louder than Words

    I was on my way to being an alcoholic! Yes, maybe not one that you would have noticed, but one that needed alcohol to function. I was about 20 or so. I was in a job that I enjoyed, but it didn’t suit my personality. I was in constant stress. My hair would fall out…

  • Blessing or Burden?

    Our second oldest has now left the nest. I went through the gamut of emotion. I felt sadness, relief, excitement, old age…and worry. Have I raised him well enough? Will he be able to survive in this nasty world? Did I fill him with confidence and self-worth? Is he going to be someone who makes…

  • Influence

    Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn while doing something else. Multitasking. We women are good at that. I listen to them while I sit at my machine sewing. There are so many ways to absorb good teaching, and this is one of my favorites. This quote came up in one that I…