Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Sower

    So many times the parable of the sower has been taught, in church and in Sunday school. It didn’t hit me until the other day, that it actually has some merit in my daily life as well. For most of my life I have had the soil that doesn’t really absorb much, and the weeds…

  • Fast Food!

    Everywhere you look there is a new method for getting something fast. There is fast food, rapid weight loss, instant love connection online, and quick spiritual fixes. Read this, eat this, do that…and life is instantly better. I think that’s why so many companies go with network marketing, they feed us that quick-fix mentality that…

  • God Calling…

    Is there a part of you that feels unfulfilled? Does your spirit feel like it is suppressing something that could bring you more peace and fulfillment? Does it feel like something that would require sacrifice…and in being so, you ignore it? After all, life is about accomplishment, not sacrifice, right? The other morning we were…

  • “Just Sayin’”

    This last week I had the privilege of being part of a mini mission conference, learning with and from my colleagues. A real blessing and encouragement. During one of the breakout sessions we were discussing communication and honesty, and how difficult it can be. One of the missionaries was giving us an example of how…

  • Philosophy

    “My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and…

  • Comparison

    I’d like to continue a little on the burnout theme…and meld it with another one of my pet subjects, comparisons. One of the most exhausting things I see is how we compare ourselves to others. We look to see what others are wearing, buying, saying, reading, and where they are going…in work or in travel.…

  • Burnout!

    This word is used a lot…our society seems to admire people that burn themselves out with work and responsibility. Well, these last few months I think that I burned myself out. I trusted myself more than God. I worked 10-12 hours a day trying to get further. Traveling to different towns to meet people and…

  • “Too Late”

    Do the words, “too late” cross your lips sometimes? You hear of someone doing something exciting…like going back to school, traveling somewhere interesting, or maybe even going on a short term volunteer trip? And you say to yourself, “too late for me”! It’s not too late. I have realized that many people around us are…

  • Grown Up?

    What, in your opinion, defines “grown up”? I think about this quite a bit, as there are many days when I don’t know if I have even grown up yet! Does it mean that we have evolved past high school issues, or is that even possible? So many times I find myself overwhelmed with grown…