Category: prayer

  • Footsteps

    Sometimes I can’t get rid of a song, bible verse or poem out of my mind. Right now I feel that this dream bears repeating. It is so relevant as we struggle to walk the path set out for us. It’s good to remember that Jesus is there to carry us when our own legs…

  • Proverbs 31 Woman…

    King Solomon writes about the ideal woman in this chapter. (Proverbs 31). It seems that the words are his mother’s…and she is, of course, Bathsheba!! I find that fascinating that the words of a someone who was part of the biggest scandal in Old Testament times has such a powerful say. Plus, she is a…

  • Watch and Wait

    Have you ever heard of the ‘marshmallow test’? A group of psychologists from Stamford University did this test on a group of four year olds a few decades ago. The child was left in a room with a marshmallow and told that if they eat it, it will be the only one they get. However,…

  • God Answers…

    Yesterday I wrote about confusion and questions. Learning to be persistent in our prayers and honest with ourselves. What happens if God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers, or He does and we don’t like the answer? How does that affect our faith? I was reading in a devotional about a preacher that said, “He…

  • Confusion

    Do you sometimes find the Christian life confusing? Do you admit it to yourself? There seem to be long stretches of time where nothing makes sense. You have no answers to your questions, and definitely nothing for anyone else. Does it make you feel like less of a Christian when you are confused? If it…

  • Secrets and Lies

    There are many of us that had or have secrets that we want to keep hiding. From others and ourselves. We cover them up with lies and denial. We suffer the consequences…and usually those consequences are in our closest relationships. Getting close to God is almost impossible. We hide alcoholism, sexual perversion, sinful behavior and…

  • Repetition

    Why do we keep repeating behavior that doesn’t work? The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (I didn’t make that up) Many of us are caught in this pattern of behavior. We wonder why nothing changes? Our relationships always go the same way. Ending in…

  • Attack!

    Have you ever had that period in your life when it was going beautifully? Smooth sailing. And you express it to someone, or yourself…then within days everything has gone to pot. It happened to me a few years ago. I had been reading my bible, I was on a one year plan…it was going so…

  • Chicken as Cash…

    In Africa quite often the currency is livestock. Usually a chicken. We have been given a few as gifts and as payments for something. It is given out of the goodness and generosity of the heart…quite often to the financial pinch of a poor family. This last week we have received two. It is humbling…