Category: faith

  • Blessed are the Self-righteous?

    No, this isn’t from the same passage where Jesus talks about the poor in spirit etc, but this is what many believe in our churches. I don’t think this attitude is just in churches, but many of us who grew up in a church have felt the sting of it, and even indulged in it…

  • Patience? What’s that?

    “What do you love about Jesus?” was a question that my friend asked me yesterday. I had to think about that for a bit. These last few years I have learned about a new Jesus…not the one I grew up with, the one defined by man…but someone more infinitely beautiful. Someone who really loves. Someone…

  • 10 things I learned about myself…in women’s ministry.

    These last 9 months I have been privileged to serve in the ladies ministry program at our church.  It was a schooling that I didn’t expect. 10 things I learned about myself…in women’s ministry. 1.   I am not as spiritual as I pretend to be.  Yes, we can have a spiritual “look” about us,…

  • Women of Today (part 6)

    I need nothing but Jesus. He is the only reason I live and breathe on this earth.  I will be spending eternity with Him in heaven, and there is nothing on this earth that I will need with me…!!  Nothing!  I don’t need to be pretty, rich, famous, or smart. I just need Him! My…

  • Woman of Today (part 5)

    How can we change the system that is part of the very DNA in our culture? There is only 1 answer. That is Jesus! Two thousand years ago He came onto this earth.  He went against the very culture of His day.  He had women as disciples, women spreading the news of the resurrection, women…

  • Woman of Today (part 4)

    So where does it come from? I believe it goes back to the day we were created.  The devil comes after the woman, tempts her, and God tells the two of them that they would be enemies forever.  Genesis 3:15 says, “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her…

  • Keep dreaming…

  • Hope Endures…

    Our church has been on a 40 day fast. We have 9 days to go. At times it seems like a uphill climb, and for me personally, there have been many a “sniff” at the Nutella jar. Many conversations with other church members are about food, and recipes that are “Daniel fast” friendly. On the…

  • Start the Conversation…

    Prayer. What does that look like? For many of us it is a ritualistic poem that we say before meals, or when we go to church. There is an emptiness to this ritual, but there doesn’t seem to be anything else to say. Other times, we call out to God, “Help me, I can’t do…