Category: cultural
How many of us are building a home? And what does the word “home” mean to you? Is it a building? Is it people? Is it a feeling? In this day and age the word has so many different meanings, each person has their own definition. For me home is where I am currently living.…
Chicken as Cash…
In Africa quite often the currency is livestock. Usually a chicken. We have been given a few as gifts and as payments for something. It is given out of the goodness and generosity of the heart…quite often to the financial pinch of a poor family. This last week we have received two. It is humbling…
Square Footage
Are you just as happy in 600 square feet as you are in 6000 square feet? Driving a old Chevy vs a new BMW? Can someone be happy with less with this constant bombardment of advertising, and the constant comparisons between friends, coworkers and families. It’s tiring and disheartening at times. If you’re successful, you…
Pride and Prejudice
At yesterday’s bible study we were talking about pride and selfishness. (I must admit that I made a few remarks that weren’t so spiritual…more psychological…but even then it was a good lesson for me.) We are quick to brush off what we call “normal human emotion” is inconsequential, when it clearly states in the Bible…
Standing Apart
The other day I had a high school moment. I said hello to someone and they avoided eye contact and barely spoke to me. There was a sudden feeling of inadequacy that came over me….what did I do? Wasn’t I cool enough? Was she avoiding conversation because I wasn’t invited to something that I knew…
Never Stop Wondering Never Stop Wandering Wanderlust…”strong longing for or impulse toward wandering”. This is my motto. We live in a world that is fascinating and full of things to experience. Since birth I have traveled. Mostly it was because my parents were missionaries in many places, but I also ended up working as a…
“Woe is me…can’t anyone see how hard I am working for…..(fill in the blank)!!!? Can’t they see how I am sacrificing for the good of the cause? Why am I not getting more recognition and praise?” How often does litany this go through our minds? And why? Is it because we are suffering from the…
As mothers we have a constant demand on our time and our emotions. So many of us can’t let ourselves rest and relax. We run ourselves ragged. We live in the world of guilt…why can’t we be better mothers? Why do I act like a child myself? I find myself comparing my mothering skills to…