Category: cultural
the Music within us…
This last week I was watching The Jesus Music, a documentary chronicling the rise of Christian music. It traces its inception from the 1970s hippie movements, through the glory days of rock and roll in the 1980s, to this day. Famous faces, names and songs brought back memories, invoking nostalgia from my youth into my…
Faith in Love….
Is faith just something that a christian has? Is faith something we all struggle with a little? Or is it just the “ignorant masses” that need faith as a crutch? I have just started my second year of university. It’s a fascinating place to be, and there is so much to learn. Our world is…
Truth or manipulation?
“I tell women that they are beautiful as a form of manipulation”, my friend confesses to me this morning. “I don’t mean it, because it doesn’t matter to me, but I know it’s a form of control. I want to confess this to you, because Jesus has been showing me that as long as the…
Women of Today (part 6)
I need nothing but Jesus. He is the only reason I live and breathe on this earth. I will be spending eternity with Him in heaven, and there is nothing on this earth that I will need with me…!! Nothing! I don’t need to be pretty, rich, famous, or smart. I just need Him! My…
Woman of Today (part 5)
How can we change the system that is part of the very DNA in our culture? There is only 1 answer. That is Jesus! Two thousand years ago He came onto this earth. He went against the very culture of His day. He had women as disciples, women spreading the news of the resurrection, women…
Woman of Today (part 4)
So where does it come from? I believe it goes back to the day we were created. The devil comes after the woman, tempts her, and God tells the two of them that they would be enemies forever. Genesis 3:15 says, “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her…
Woman of Today (part 3)
No wonder we try to get our power through our appearance, because that is the only place we feel like we have any control. We can “control” men and their appetites when we look like an ageless porn star. After all, that is what we are conditioned to believe our worth is, and that is…
Woman of Today (part 2)
Over the last 50+ years we have been indoctrinated by pornography. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler…etc…if you’re old enough you might remember those “hidden” magazines that one had to make a real effort to buy and look through; well they just look tame compared to what we have accessible now. If anything, our normal evening line up…