Category: communication

  • Start the Conversation…

    Prayer. What does that look like? For many of us it is a ritualistic poem that we say before meals, or when we go to church. There is an emptiness to this ritual, but there doesn’t seem to be anything else to say. Other times, we call out to God, “Help me, I can’t do…

  • One-Upmanship

    Have you ever had a conversation with someone, listened, and thought to yourself, “I don’t understand why they are telling me this, my life is much worse than that”…and then go on to tell them your problems. They might look a little surprised that you didn’t hear a word they said, and they nod politely…

  • Too Much Information

    Another catalogue came in the mail yesterday. Pages and pages of christian books and Bibles to buy. So many options!! DVD series! Knick knacks to put on our shelves!! Bible covers! Shofars! An evangecube??? What? Books on dying churches, evangelism, becoming a better person/christian, the end times…etc…!! And at least 20+ pages of Bibles, in…

  • “Where’s the fruit?”

    “Where’s the beef?” I’m sure many of you remember that famous line from a Wendy’s commercial in the early 80s. It’s part of our societal jargon now. But…”where’s the fruit?” is my new slogan. The other week I was sitting in an empty church. It was 10 at night, and hubby was wrapping up prep…

  • Pretty Prose? Not me!

    After quite a bit of questioning and self reflection, I have realized that the way I communicate seems to be quite different from other women that blog. They have soft/flowery pictures and words of love and encouragement. The bible verses are uplifting, and help others get through another day. My blogs tend to be rants,…

  • A New Beginning

    Over the last few weeks I have been sharing my personal journey through therapy, mixed with tidbits from my past. It has been cathartic. Through it all I have heard from so many people, some who think that it was brave (and maybe a bit too much?) and from some who needed to hear someone…

  • Getting There…. (part 9)

    DYSTHYMIA! BOARDING SCHOOL SYNDROME! STRATEGIC SURVIVAL PERSONALITY! PTSD! It all sounded so overwhelming. I couldn’t really absorb what was going on in my head. It was getting messed up even more. I would walk around the house in circles, forgetting what I was doing. I would find myself forgetting things, and having conversations with myself…

  • The “Miracle” Question! (part 8)

    “If you woke up tomorrow morning, and a miracle had occurred, what would your life look like?” This is a common question asked by therapists. It helps us to see what we consider the “ideal” life to look like. What is it when we really hope for a miracle? So, I was asked the “miracle”…

  • Who’s to Blame? (The Silent Scream, P4)

    Is it okay to be angry at God? I think so. He created us, and understands anger. Is it acceptable to blame God for all of our problems? Is He the one to blame? Many people believe so. The world is full of anger and rage against God. He gets blamed for the natural disasters,…