
How many of us are building a home? And what does the word “home” mean to you? Is it a building? Is it people? Is it a feeling? In this day and age the word has so many different meanings, each person has their own definition. For me home is where I am currently living. It is my husband and children. I don’t tend to miss another place I would call “home”…but at times I miss something, but don’t know really what it is. Maybe that’s where the feeling comes in. Missing that unity and level of comfort that one has when they associate with home.

Some people never really know what home means to them. They have never had a “traditional” nuclear family; or they have on the surface, but deep down the inconsistencies and insecurities didn’t make it a safe place to be. There is a deep craving inside to belong to a safe unit, somewhere they can relax and be themselves. Wandering from one relationship to another, or one place to another, searching….!

Another group think of home as a possession. A beautiful building that showcases their taste and social status. The people come and go, there are no real relationships. Quite often even the people chosen to showcase as a family are also picked carefully as a reflection of their “perfection”. Buildings and people are commodities, nothing else. It is a lonely existence. Just looks good on the outside.

When we believe in Jesus, we are assured of a home and family at all times. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. He says in Psalms 68:5-6a…”A father to orphans and a judge for widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the lonely in a home; he brings prisoners out into prosperity.” This can be a real comfort to those who crave the feeling of family. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us, and watches over us at all times. There are many promises in the bible to assure us of this. No more loneliness. No more looking for a place to belong….



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