
How do we see ourselves? What do we tell ourselves? Are you the artist, the jock, the pretty one, the funny one…maybe even the invisible one?? So much of our behavior is tied into how we see ourselves and how we think others perceive us. Quite often this identity is formed very young. It can have influence from our place in our families, what we experienced as a child, or even from some sort of traumatic life event. We use this identity as a coping mechanism. Humor is used often as a wall to hide behind. I use humor a lot myself. Sarcasm especially.

It’s easy to fill up our days, avoiding past hurts and issues that we don’t want to deal with. I know that I developed a very hard shell, masking it with sarcastic comments and sometimes slightly outrageous behavior, to avoid dealing with childhood issues. I had felt loneliness and ostracism for many years. I never really fit in. Hence…the new identity!!! I could be the funny one…the smart aleck. It worked, and still does….! Now I’m just aware of it and what triggers it.

Our behavior varies with what circumstance we are in as well. If we are with coworkers we behave a certain way, with our church friends we are a certain way…and with our families, quite often the true personality reins. I know I am a lot crankier with my family. :). It’s true! They suffer with my “real self” a lot of the time. My coworkers thought of me as the funny one…and I was miserable most of the time I was there. Masks are everywhere and on everyone.

What can we do to challenge ourselves? Is there a way to form a new identity? As Christians we have an identity in Christ, but that is quite often also a mask that we have learned to wear. How can we strip ourselves down to what we are? What we are meant to be? How does Jesus see you? I can tell you that He sees you as beautiful, smart, artistic, and full of potential. Now, do you see yourself that way? Understand that many things you tell yourself is a lie. You’re not the ugly one! Or the dumb one! You are a creation of God. Learn to understand His word. Don’t just read the latest Christian best seller. Use a concordance and find those verses that tell you exactly who you are in Christ. Claim them for your own. Memorize them!! And quote them to yourself whenever you hear a lie popping up!

His word is true. No lies or mistakes…just like you!!!



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