Test = Testimony

For most of my adult life I have struggled with one major issue. (Disclaimer…there are many minor ones as well 🙂 ) I have yet to triumph over it. There are glimmers in the distance future…it will be something that I can turn into my testimony. This might sound a bit off to some, but I believe that God gives us something to work on in our lives…something that we can overcome and use for helping others. It can be in the areas of addiction, relationships, finance, and even sickness.

I have seen this in reality so many times. People go through unbearable life challenges…and for some it’s crippling. The ones that get through it, with some extra insight, are people that can be a tremendous help to others who are struggling with the same issue. Just think of those friends and counselors who have that extra depth in some areas…it is quite often because of personal experience. Struggling through something and growing through it. Their help is invaluable.

The key to this all is transparency. Many of us don’t admit to what we are struggling with, or what we have struggled with. We are ashamed of it. We don’t want people to know. We are afraid of gossip. How can someone know to come and talk to us? I think that being open and honest is something we can challenge ourselves with. Let’s not be afraid of our problems, but be willing to talk. Ask questions and be willing to share what we have gone through. Be it something shameful or embarrassing. There is always someone out there asking the same questions and looking for answers.

Turn your test into your testimony…



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2 responses to “Test = Testimony”

  1. Anne Lappalainen Avatar
    Anne Lappalainen

    Do we only dare share what we feel comfortable about? Confession is good for the soul, but hard to find those you can trust absolutely to confess to. I did once, and shortly after another friend phoned and asked me about it. She had been told my secret, hard then to trust. I love the idea, though of total transparency, though. hmmm!

    1. Saara Leppanen Avatar
      Saara Leppanen

      When you lose the fear of others gossiping, then transparency can be liberating. So many of us hide our true feelings. Even the people that we confess ours to. Denial is prevalent. Obviously finding someone you can trust is vital…but getting rid of the “fear of man” can change your life!!!

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