The Fickle Idol

What is your idol? For some of you that might be a weird question…”I don’t have any idols in my life, I worship God!”…and that is often the defensive answer we give when confronted with this question.

We all have something we worship. And often this object or worship changes…depending on our moods, trends, and circumstances. This is why I used the word “fickle”(characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments. free as we live in a fickle society. What we worship can look different from day to day.

Even for those that say they believe in God, idols can be money, status, fame, family, a celebrity, or even oneself. Even just holding on to a life of comfort, without any trouble, can be something we idolize. Without having something to hold on to, there really isn’t any purpose in living, is there? Believing in a bigger picture, or a higher power gives hope and something to strive for. Otherwise we would live in total anarchy and despair.

What happens when we do believe in Jesus, but our lives still don’t reflect our belief? Does going to church on Sundays make us a better follower of Jesus? Does reading the bible make us less self-centered? Does giving to others just make us feel better about ourselves?

I know I feel a bit squirmy when I think about this. Doesn’t the grace of Jesus cover all of our faults and sins?

Does our concept of grace and Jesus come from our own ideas of what we are comfortable with? It’s easy to believe in a gentle and loving God, one who lets us do what we want…as long as “our heart is in the right place”!

Sounds a bit like a copout, doesn’t it? Is that how a real relationship works? “They know how I feel, I don’t need to tell them that I love them. I don’t need to buy them gifts or go out of my way and comfort zone in order for them to know that I love them. My heart is in the right place.”

Don’t actions speak louder than words? If that is true, then how do our actions show Jesus that He is the most important one in our lives? How does He know that He is our God? Is it because we sit in a pew a few hours a week? Singing a few songs? Raising our hands so that the people around us know that we are truly worshipping?

Following Jesus isn’t easy! It’s an interesting, awe-inspiring, wonderful, exciting, and fulfilling adventure!!! Unlike most earthly relationships, the more we get to know Him, the more we fall in love and want to follow Him.

He doesn’t promise us a life of comfort and ease, but He promises that He will be there with us ALL of the time. Matthew 28:20b, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

He doesn’t promise us luxury and wealth, but He promises that we need to NEVER worry about our needs. Matthew 6:25-27, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

He doesn’t promise us a life full of earthly relationships and love, but He tells us that He will be our family and friend. Ephesians 1:5a, “God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ.” He will never fail us, even as the ones we now hold on to keep on doing.

There is no formula. And there is only one guarantee! It will all be worth it!

Can you imagine a world where we stopped worshipping the latest celebrity…yes, even that latest “it” pastor? Can you imagine a world where we all put others ahead of ourselves? Can you imagine a world where our material possessions were used to make someone else’s life better? Can you imagine a body of Jesus followers all working TOGETHER to bring the gospel of salvation and hope to the ends of the earth?

Do you even think it’s possible?

I do!



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