Women of Today (part 6)

I need nothing but Jesus.

He is the only reason I live and breathe on this earth.  I will be spending eternity with Him in heaven, and there is nothing on this earth that I will need with me…!!  Nothing!  I don’t need to be pretty, rich, famous, or smart.

I just need Him!

My challenge here, to myself, and to you is…

Open your eyes, heart and mind.  See the blinders that have been put in front of your eyes.  Ask Jesus to speak the truth to you.  Watch out for the lies that you have believed, and are conditioned to believe.  Start to challenge these beliefs.  Start speaking out.  Confront the enemy and say, “NO MORE LIES”!!!

As women we need to speak love into the lives of our sisters, mothers, daughters, friends and co-workers.  Compliments should be compliments of the spirit and soul and not of appearance.  Thinking that, “you’ve lost weight, you look good” is a compliment is a lie.  Don’t fall into that trap again.

As men, start to examine your heart.  Yes, you are visual, but that isn’t the truth to your identity as a man.  You can also ask Jesus to bring the truth into your life.  Ask Him to reveal the beauty of a person’s spirit and soul to you, and don’t be conned into thinking that a “skinny hot woman” is the embodiment of beauty…because she isn’t.  We are just conditioned to believe that.  It’s a lie of the enemy.

Together we can change the culture.  Together we can fight the enemy.  Together we can bring down the strongholds of pornography, slavery, materialism, and poverty.

We can’t do it alone.

We have to do it together.

Together we are strong.





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