Fast Food!

Everywhere you look there is a new method for getting something fast. There is fast food, rapid weight loss, instant love connection online, and quick spiritual fixes. Read this, eat this, do that…and life is instantly better. I think that’s why so many companies go with network marketing, they feed us that quick-fix mentality that we have been conditioned to. Instant riches! Fancy cars! I, personally, have been duped this way a few times. The thing is…some do get success this way, why can’t it be me?

Even in the news…we read about those that win lots of money, and those who rake in the cash with the latest stock market swing. Those instant dot-com millionaires. Those overnight celebrities, they have it all. Money and fame!! Oh, to be that lucky…we are so tired of working! Maybe I will win the next lottery? Have to go and get another ticket…and sit in front of the TV hoping for the win!

Unfortunately, even the faithful have their faults when it comes to this. “Did you hear about the latest revival and touch of God?” We are all so hungry for His touch and His presence. We fly around the globe looking for the latest place where we have heard that God has visited. Some even get obsessed. It seems to us that God only shows up in certain places, signs and wonders are witnessed, and then He seems to move somewhere else. Where do you think He goes?

What does this say about our character? We don’t have the stamina to pursue what we dream of, or crave. We want it quickly! Now! God becomes a quick fix, on the floor of some church, and we experience a surge of faith.

What happens the next day?

We can’t be in constant pursuit of that instant fix. It gets tiring and our spirit eventually gives up. The lows become quite low, and many lose their faith. Reading the Bible and daily prayer is unheard of…it doesn’t give instant answers most of the time. What we forget is that God is beside us…all of the time. He is ready to fill you with His presence, anytime…He just isn’t asked. We don’t spend the time pursuing the quality of His love, we just want the high, the quick filling of the Spirit. The signs and wonders.

Maybe the wonder in all of this is that He is still interested in pursuing us?



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One response to “Fast Food!”

  1. Anne Lappalainen Avatar
    Anne Lappalainen

    Yes, so true! Wow!

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