
“Proof of Heaven” is the name of the book I just finished. It seems to have been on the bestseller lists for a bit. It’s no wonder, people want to know if heaven exists and if there is an afterlife. Deep down, in our core, there is a longing for the connection to God. Does He exist? Am I going anywhere? Does this life really matter in the grand scheme of things? The fascinating thing with this book is that it is written by a neurosurgeon, and his experience with heaven. He went there during a coma and writes about it. Even if it isn’t written from a “born again” perspective, it is still a book that will make you think about what you do believe.

As a christian, I have never doubted that heaven exists. But, it has always been lofty and slightly colored by my church experiences. To me, standing around and singing hymns is not something I aspire to. (I hope this doesn’t offend anyone…but this is just my thought process at work.) But, growing up, and seeing miracles and angels (yes…but that is another story) I have known and sensed that there is a whole other dimension around us all of the time. It has been a source of comfort during times of fear and doubt. In the last few years there seem to a quite a few books, that have made it to the bestseller lists, that are about people going to heaven and coming back to tell about it. This goes to show that we are all curious.

Reading books that enhance my faith, and some that challenge my faith, are a constant joy in my life. We can’t agree with everything we read, and I don’t think we should just accept everything as gospel truth either. These books are written by mere humans, and many of them have some hidden agenda as well, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn and grow from them.

So, pick up a book and read it with a prayerful spirit. You will know, deep down, whether or not you should agree. Pray, if you find yourself doubting something, and ask God to reveal His truth to you. But, at the same time, don’t forget to read the most important book of all. His truth never fails. Even with all the interpretations around…His words ring true and speak right into your soul.

I am going to give you names of a few authors that have made me think over the years. There are many good authors. I happen to like reading male authors more than female ones, but there are a good selection of both out there. Feel free to send me suggestions of books that you think I should read as well.

Jim Palmer
John Ortberg
Donald Miller
Erwin McManus
Dan Brown (yes, he made me think too)
Kris Vallotton



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