Full of Personality!

The other day I was doing personality tests online with my boys. We are trying to come up with some interesting career choices for them. It’s interesting to see how a series of questions and algorithms can pinpoint ones personality and things we like to call “quirks”! I have always known that I am quite antisocial and aloof, not full of emotion and feeling…baffling my more sensitive family members. But seeing this analyzed and written down into a profile was downright fascinating. On some tests I have actually scored 100% antisocial…I guess that depends on the mood I have on the day I do the test…but it does seem to sit at the 70% most of the time. After a little more reading on the subject I understood why I am the kind of parent I am as well…poor boys. No wonder they don’t cry very much! They never got any sympathy!

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “What a clueless ninny! They have no idea of what I am thinking and what I am about!!” Did you ever stop to wonder why? Or did you dismiss them and their ideas? Why don’t others understand our emotions that well? And I’m not just talking about the battle of the sexes here…it is universal. We are all different! Yet…we are all fundamentally the same. We all live and breathe the same air. We all want to be loved and needed. Understanding that we have different personalities and discussing them can be the start of fascinating dialogue.

I would recommend finding some of these tests. Find a few friends or family members to do them with…and start the conversation. Come to terms with the “quirks” and learn from them…whether they are yours or someone else’s. Maybe there will be some “aha” moments! Those are always the best!

Here is a link to check out: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp






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