Short Cuts…

My husband and I were driving in Dar Es Salaam the other day. It’s quite a convoluted town, but we knew where we were going. We had a map, of sorts, and we were confident. Next thing you know we missed our turn off, and then when considering a turnaround we saw a large accident blocking the road back. After discussing what we should do, we decided that we will just go back to where we were staying. We could go a different way. Not too long after that we realized that we were going in the wrong direction and decided to take a short cut to where we figured the roads would intersect. After another hour and a half it was obvious we didn’t know where we were, and we were lost!

It got me to thinking about the short cuts we take in our lives. We look for an easy solution, a shorter road to our destination. Life then takes us down bumpy roads, dead ends and accidents. It takes longer than it should, and we want to quit! We are too proud to ask for directions. After all, we look like we know where we are going. There are so many people who could help…but no, we know that the solution is only around the corner!!! A bit later we realize that we really didn’t get anything accomplished. We have less gas and we are cranky! We start to bicker with our loved ones, and blame them for taking us in the wrong direction…when all along we had our own choices to make.

Nothing that looks like a short cut really ends up working to our advantage. When we know the road we are to travel, it’s best to stay on that road. There might be jams and accidents along that road…but at least we are on the right one. We will get to our destination. We have a road map with all the directions we need, and that’s the Bible. The answer to every issue is in there. And we have the best guide available…the Holy Spirit.

Life might look like a dead end right now…but when you follow God’s path for you, there will be a turn somewhere that you can’t see right now. Stay faithful, and hang on. Follow your road map and Guide….



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One response to “Short Cuts…”

  1. Ruth Avatar

    Thank you, especially for the reminder in the last paragraph.

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