
There is a form of therapy that is becoming mainstream. It’s called laughter therapy. People stand in a room and laugh…that’s it. It starts out as fake laughter, but soon turns into genuine, belly hurting, screams of mirth. Tears and happiness ensue. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I know, it obviously sounds a little out there, and yes, it’s from India…invented by a yogi. So, I am obviously not telling you to run to your nearest yoga center to find laughter therapy sessions…but I am telling you that laughing on a frequent basis is something that make a huge difference in your life. There are many studies out there, and they seem to come to the same conclusions. If you need a reason, here are a few…

Decrease in stress hormone levels
Strengthening of the immune system
Muscle relaxation
Pain reduction
Lowering of blood pressure
Cardiovascular conditioning
Natural anti-depressant

So, when was the last time you have a good laugh! Uncontrollable? Tear inducing? Isn’t it worth looking for something funny, just to get health benefits? Seems to be cheaper and better than a lot of the meds prescribed to us these days. Find something to laugh about each day. Read funny things, watch funny shows…share jokes with friends and coworkers. I think that even God has a wicked sense of humor. Have you ever looked at half of the animals out there? I can just see Him sitting in the Serengeti, surrounded by the crazy looking animals and sharing a good chuckle.

In Proverbs 17:22, it says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” (NKJV) I like how the New Living Translation says it even better: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

Here’s a link to something that makes me laugh every time I watch it…and my son makes me watch it a lot!!! Enjoy! Click here



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One response to “Laughter!”

  1. Marika Avatar

    Meee mee meee me mee me me mee me, bahaha 🙂 that’s a good video and I will watch it again 🙂 There are really no words, just laughter … :))))

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